Here are some pictures of the hail storm we had here yesterday.
It was even in drifts like snow.
Looks like snow!
My front flowerbed.
You can gauge the size of the hail by the size of my hand.
It even took chunks out of my elephant ears and knocked all the leaves off.
We may just end up having it as bad this year as we did last winter.
God, I hope my insurance company doesn't run out of money lol
Well the insurance adjuster is coming out this afternoon to take a look at my house. My shingles have holes in them. I just hope that they don't raise my premiums. This will be the 2nd roof this year.
Yeah I had to replace half of my roof this summer because of the storms we had in late May/early June.
Tree branches fell on the house and poked 4 holes in the roof on the one side.
One hole was so bad it caused the ceiling to cave in in one of the bedrooms.
It was a real mess!!!
Had to spend several hundred dollars to have the rest of the limbs cut that were still hanging over the roof so that hopefully o more will fall on the roof!!
I wanted to have the whole damn tree taken out but could not afford to do so lol
Where the fuck was that?
The Insurance Adjuster said my roof, window screens, garage doors (even the bay doors) and gutters are all toast. The hail even knocked mortar out of the bricks in one place. I should be getting a sizable check.
I live in Oklahoma.
I had all those holes in the roof, and caved in ceiling, and a big tree limb pulled all the electric stuff off the house, so there was no electric for ahile and the electric company won't fix anything that is attached to the house so I had to hire an electrician, and had to have the tree guys come and clean up all the fallen tree limbs etc... and after the $1000 deductible all I got was $4800.
I was hoping for more lol
Those electricians and tree guys ain't cheap lol
I have State Farm...I may change insurance companies soon lol
And yes Sign....It's in Oklahoma!!
Check your car for dimples.
I always head for a freeway underpass when that shit happens.
Last time I didn't make it and my truck looked like the cottage cheeze on my x-wife's ass.
My car was in the garage, thank goodness or it would have been beat all to hell.
Good luck with the clean up and insurance Tiger!
Damn, how much damage was around the area?
Everyone on my street is getting a new roof. lol!
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