The earliest complete Koran manuscript in existence in museums today are hundreds of years after Muhammad died:
The Muslim false claim:
"In other words: two of the copies of the Qur’an which were originally prepared in the time of Caliph `Uthman, are still available to us today and their texts and arrangement can be compared, by anyone who cares to, with any other copy of the Qur’an, be it in print or handwriting, from any place or period of time. They will be found to be identical." (Von Denffer, Ulum al-Qur’an, p 64)
The truth:
Although Muslims proclaim they have a Koran that dates to the time of Muhammad, the Reality is different.
Two ancient copies of Koran that are in existence are the Samarqand MSS is in Tashkent, and the MSS housed in the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul. What many Muslim's do not know, is that because these two manuscripts were written in a script style called "Kufic", practicing Muslim scholars generally date these manuscripts no earlier than 200 years after Muhammad died. Had these two manuscripts been compiled any earlier, they would have been written in either the Ma'il or Mashq script style. John Gilchrist, in his book, "Jam' Al-Qur'an" came to this same conclusion. (John Gilchrist, Jam' Al-Qur'an, Jesus to the Muslims, 1989)
Now we do have one ancient copy of the Koran written in the Ma'il style of script, that is housed in the British Museum in London (Lings & Safadi 1976:17,20; Gilchrist 1989:16,144). But scholar Martin Lings, who was not only a practicing Muslim, but also a former curator for the manuscripts of the British Museum, dates this manuscript at 790 AD, making it the earliest. On the other hand Yasir Qadhi notes one Islamic Masters/PhD scholar who believes the Samarqand MSS is the ‘most likely candidate for the original’.
It is unknown, even by Muslims that authorities will not release photographs of the ancient Topkapi manuscript in Istanbul and so there are no known studies on it. This is why the Muslim apologist, M. Saifullah had to state "Concerning the Topkapi manuscript we are not aware of studies done it." (Who's Afraid Of Textual Criticism?, M. S. M. Saifullah, 'Abd ar-Rahman Squires & Muhammad Ghoniem) What is in this manuscript that Muslims are afraid to let the world see? After all in Qur'an 2:111 it says "Produce your proof if you are truthful."
Even the earliest fragmentary manuscripts of the Koran are all dated no earlier than 100 years after Muhammad died.
Add to this the fact that there is no archeological evidence dated at the time when Muhammad was alive, by way of artifact, manuscript or inscription has ever been found were Muhammad is actually referred to as "a prophet".
If you don’t believe me, listen to faithful Muslim, Ahmad Von Denffer, in his book, Ulum al Quran, in a chapter called, Old Manuscripts Of The Qur'an, "Most of the early original Qur'an manuscripts, complete or in sizeable fragments, that are still available to us now, are not earlier than the second century after the Hijra. [or 800 AD] The earliest copy, which was exhibited in the British Museum during the 1976 World of Islam Festival, dated from the late second century.' However, there are also a number of odd fragments of Qur'anic papyri available, which date from the first century." (Grohmann, A.: Die Entstehung des Koran und die altesten Koran- Handschriften', in: Bustan, 1961, pp. 33-8)
There are no ancient copies of the Koran dating before 750 AD in museums.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Posted by SweetLady_Tiger at 10:49:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Marriage, Divorce, Adultery and Polygamy
In his personal life, Muhammad had two great weaknesses. The first was greed. By looting caravans and Jewish settlements he had amassed fabulous wealth for himself, his family, and his tribe
When we turn and look at the life of Muhammad we find that he clearly killed and robbed people in the name of Allah according to the Quran. He taught his disciples by example, command, and precept that they could and should kill and rob in Allah's name and force people to submit to Islam.
His next greatest weakness was women. Although in the Quran he would limit his followers to having four wives, he himself took more than four wives and concubines.
The question of the number of women with whom Muhammad was sexually involved either as wives, concubines or devotees was made a point of contention by the Jews in Muhammad's day. Ali Dashti comments:
"All the commentaries agree that verse 57 of Sura 4 was sent down after the Jews criticized Mohammad's appetite for women, alleging that he had nothing to do except to take wives."
Since polygamy was practiced in the Old Testament by such patriarchs as Abraham, the mere fact that Muhammad had more than one wife is not sufficient in and of itself to discount his claim to prophethood. But this does negate the fact that the issue has historical in terms of trying to understand Muhammad as a man.
It also poses a logical problem for Muslims. Because the Quran in Sura 4:3 forbids the taking of more than four wives, to have taken any more would have been sinful for Muhammad.
One Muslin apologist argued as follows:
"Muhammad was sinless. The Quran makes taking more than four wives a sin. Therefore Muhammad could not have taken more than four wives. Why? Because Muhammad was sinless."
The question of how many wives Muhammad or anyone else had should be answered on the basis of the historical and literary evidence and not blind faith.
Muslim scholar and statesman Ali Dashti gives the following list of the women in Muhammad's life:
1. Khadija
2. Sawda
3. Aesha
4. Omm Salama
5. Halsa
6. Zaynab (of Jahsh)
7. Jowayriyi
8. Omm Habiba
9. Safiya
10. Maymuna (of Hareth)
11. Fatema
12. Hend
13. Asma (of Saba)
14. Zaynab (of Khozayma)
15. Habla
16. Asma (of Noman)
17. Mary (the Christian)
18. Rayhana
20. Maymuna
21. Zaynab (a third one
22. Khawla
Several observations need to be given about the above list:
The first 16 women were wives. Numbers 17 and 18 were slaves or concubines.
The last four women were neither wives or slaves but devout Muslim women who "gave" themselves to satisfy Muhammad's sexual desires.
Zaynab of Jahsh was originally Muhammad's adopted son Zaid's wife. The fact that Muhammad took her for himself has been problematic to many people, Muslims included. (God does not break His Own Word and He never changes His mind. Now read Sura 33:36-38).
(The vindicated prophet Moses taught under the Old Testament, that a minister could only marry a virgin or the widow of a minister (Leviticus 21:13-15). The vindicated prophet Jesus taught under the New Testament that an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher can marry only a virgin in the faith -- because he is a type of Christ, Who is uniting only with virgins to the Word.
Every prophet from Adam taught that any woman who has more than one living husband is an adulteress, and her subsequent husband is in adultery with her first husband as polygamy was legal only for the man -- Genesis 3:16; Romans 7:1-3).
Aesha was only eight or nine years old when Muhammad took her to his bed. According to Hadith, she was still playing with her dolls. This facet of Muhammad's sexual appetite is particularly distressing to Westerners.
While in Islamic countries an eight-or-nine-year-old girl can be given in marriage to an adult male, in the West, most people would shudder to think of an eight-or-nine-year-old girl being given in marriage to anyone. (Although it is condoned by the Jew's Talmud).
This aspect of Muhammad's personal life is something that many scholars pass over once again because they do not want to hurt the feelings of Muslims. Yet, history cannot be rewritten to avoid confronting the facts that Muhammad had unnatural desires for little girls.
Finally, Mary, the Coptic Christian, refused to marry Muhammad because she would not renounce Christianity and embrace Islam. She bravely chose to remain a slave rather than convert.
The documentation for all the women in Muhammad's harem is so vast and has been presented so many times by able scholars that only those who use circular reasoning can object to it.
Posted by SweetLady_Tiger at 10:47:00 PM 0 comments
Praying Toward Mecca
An Allah idol was set up at the Kebah along with all the other idols. The pagans prayed toward Mecca and the Kabah because that is where their gods were stationed.
It only made sense to them to face in the direction of their god and then pray. Since the idol of their moon god, Allah, was at Mecca, they prayed toward Mecca.
The worship of the moon god extended far beyond the Allah-worship in Arabia. The entire fertile crescent was involved in the worship of the moon.
This, in part, explains the early success of Islam among Arab groups that traditionally had worshiped the moon god.
The use of the crescent moon as the symbol for Islam which is placed on the flags of Islamic nations and on the top of mosques and minarets is a throwback to the days when Allah was worshiped as the moon god in Mecca.
While this may come as a surprise to many Christians who have wrongly assumed that Allah was simply another name for the God of the Bible, educated Muslims generally understand this point.
Posted by SweetLady_Tiger at 10:30:00 PM 0 comments
The Gods of the Quraysh
The Quraysh tribe into which Muhammad was born was particularly devoted to Allah, the moon god, and especially to Allah's three daughters who were viewed as intercessors between the people and Allah.
The worship of the three goddesses, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, played a significant role in the worship at the Kabah in Mecca. The first two daughters of Allah had names which were feminine forms of Allah.
The literal Arabic name of Muhammad's father was Abd-Allah. His uncle's name was Obied-Allah. These names reveal the personal devotion that Muhammad's pagan family had to the worship of Allah, the moon god
Posted by SweetLady_Tiger at 10:27:00 PM 0 comments
Astral Religions
In Arabia, the sun god was viewed as a female goddess and the moon as the male god. As has been pointed out by many scholars such as Alfred Guilluame, the moon god was called by various names, one of which was Allah!
The name Allah was used as the personal name of the moon god, in addition to other titles that could be given to him.
Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun goddess. Together they produced three goddesses who were called "the daughters of Allah." These three goddesses were called Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat.
The daughters of Allah, along with Allah and the sun goddess were viewed as "high" gods. That is, they were viewed as being at the top of the pantheon of Arabian deities. "Along with Allah, however, they worshipped a host of lesser gods
Posted by SweetLady_Tiger at 10:23:00 PM 0 comments
Archaeologists Prove Allah Is A Pagan Moon God
Archaeologists have unearthed a large number of artifacts in which a deity with a crescent moon on top of its head symbolized worship of the moon god. According to archaeological discoveries, the Islamic god, ‘Allah,’ originates from the ancient Arab moon god known as ‘Allah.’ This is a surprise to many, for most Muslims and non-Muslims alike are under the impression that ‘Allah’ is an Islamic name for Yahweh/Jehovah. Modern day Muslims have been unwittingly deceived.
In reality, according to archaeological and historical records, Allah was the moon god married to the sun goddess, and together they had three daughters: goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. (The first two names are feminine forms of ‘Allah’). The worship of these three goddesses played a major part in the worship at the Kabah in Mecca. The pagans prayed toward Mecca and the Kabah because that is where their gods were stationed. The worship of the moon god extended far beyond the Allah-worship in Arabia. The entire Fertile Crescent was involved in the worship of the moon.
This partially explains the early success of Islam among Arab groups that traditionally worshiped the moon god. Since the idol of their moon god, Allah, was at Mecca, they prayed toward Mecca. Archaeologists have discovered temples to the Moon-god throughout the Middle East. Evidence shows the temple of the Moon-god was in full swing even during the Christian era.
According to numerous writings the actual name of the Moon-god was ‘Sin,’ but his title was Al-iIah, which means ‘the deity,’ the most superior of all other gods. The Moon-god's title ‘Al-iIah’ was condensed to ‘Allah’ before the Islamic religion came to be. The pagan Arabs used ‘Allah’ in the names they gave to their children. The Quraysh tribe into which the Muslim prophet Muhammad was born was particularly devoted to Allah, the moon god, and especially to Allah's three goddess daughters who were viewed as intercessors between the people and Allah. This may explain why both Muhammad's father (Abd-Allah) and uncle (Obied-Allah) had ‘Allah’ as part of their names, showing the devotion that Muhammad's family had to the worship of the moon god.
The symbol of the worship of the moon god in Arabian culture and elsewhere throughout the Middle East was the crescent moon. Interestingly, the symbol of Islam is also the crescent moon; a crescent moon sits atop their mosques, is found on the flags of Islamic nations, and the Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, which begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon.
While devout modern Muslims believes the rituals and doctrines of Islam are entirely heavenly in origin and thus cannot have any earthly sources, Middle East scholars have demonstrated beyond all doubt that the rituals and beliefs in Islam can be traced back to pre-Islamic Arabian culture.
Posted by SweetLady_Tiger at 7:37:00 PM 1 comments
Quake Kills at Least 2,900 in Indonesia
May 27, 10:45 AM EDT
Quake Kills at Least 2,900 in Indonesia
By IRWAN FIRDAUS Associated Press WriterYOGYAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- A powerful earthquake flattened homes and hotels in central Indonesia early Saturday as people slept, killing at least 2,900 and injuring thousands more in the nation's worst disaster since the 2004 tsunami.
The magnitude-6.2 quake struck at 5:54 a.m. near the ancient city of Yogyakarta, 250 miles east of the capital, Jakarta. It was centered about six miles below the surface, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
The quake's epicenter was close to the rumbling Mount Merapi volcano, and activity increased soon after the temblor. A large burst spewed hot clouds and sent debris cascading some two miles down its western flank.
Bambang Dwiyanto of the Energy and Mineral Ministry could not say whether the quake caused the volcanic activity but warned that it could trigger a larger eruption.
"It will influence the activities of Mount Merapi, particularly in the lava dome," said Dwiyanto, head of the ministry's geological division.
Almost all people had already been evacuated away from the volcano's danger zone, and there were no reports of injuries as a result of the eruption.
Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is prone to seismic upheaval due to its location on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanos and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin.
The strong quake knocked down houses, hotels, a hospital and government buildings, sending hysterical people running into the streets. Many roads and bridges were destroyed, hindering efforts to get taxis and pickup trucks filled with wounded to packed hospitals.
In the hardest-hit district of Bantul, rescuers tried to pull bodies from the rubble as residents started digging mass graves.
Rows of corpses awaited burial beneath a blazing sun, with village heads recording their names so they could be added to the official death toll.
Subarjo, a 70-year-old food vendor, sobbed next to his dead wife, his house destroyed.
"I couldn't help my wife ... I was trying to rescue my children, one with a broken leg, and then the house collapsed," he said. "I have to accept this as our destiny, as God's will."
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ordered the army to help evacuate victims and arrived in densely populated Central Java province Saturday afternoon with a team of Cabinet ministers to oversee rescue operations. He also told people not to fear a tsunami.
Fourteen hours after the quake struck, the number of dead stood at 2,914, Social Affairs Ministry official Sopar Jaya said, adding that two-thirds of the fatalities occurred in devastated Bantul.
"The numbers just keep rising," said Arifin Muhadi of the Indonesian Red Cross, adding that more than 3,400 people were hurt.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Max Kwak said he did not know of any American casualties, adding that the United States was donating $100,000 for search-and-rescue efforts and emergency care.
Yogyakarta is about 18 miles from the sea. In the chaos that followed the quake, false rumors of an impending tsunami sent thousands of people fleeing to higher ground in cars and on motorbikes.
The city is 1,390 miles southeast of Aceh province, where 131,000 people died in a December 2004 tsunami triggered by a 9.1-magnitude earthquake under the sea.
Civilians carried bloodied survivors, including children, into hospitals, sometimes jumping off flatbed trucks used in construction. Large cracks crisscrossed some roads, while others had collapsed.
The quake cut electricity and phone lines in some areas.
Doctors were coming into the region from other parts of the country. Japan also said it was sending a seven-person medical team, relief goods and financial aid, the Foreign Ministry said.
Neighboring Malaysia said it will send a 56-member search team, doctors and medical supplies, and the European Commission said it would release up to $3.8 million in emergency aid.
UNICEF is sending 9,000 tarpaulins and 2,000 tents to shelter those left homeless, spokesman John Budd told CNN. The agency also is sending health kits and hygiene kits, and the World Food Program is ready to send food aid, he said.
Budd said a hospital and several health clinics had collapsed, and about 4,000 houses were destroyed.
Medical teams struggled to care for the injured, hundreds of whom were lying on plastic sheets, straw mats and even newspapers outside the overcrowded hospitals, some hooked to intravenous drips dangling from trees.
"We need help here," said Kusmarwanto of Bantul Muhammadiyah Hospital, the closest hospital to the quake's epicenter, adding that his hospital alone had 39 bodies.
At nearby Dr. Sardjito Hospital, health officials tallied 60 dead, but more bodies were lined up in the hallway and some family members were taking them home before they could be added to the official toll.
"We have hundreds of injured people, our emergency care unit is overwhelmed," Heru Nugroho said.
The quake cracked the runway at the airport in Yogyakarta, closing it to aircraft until at least Sunday while inspections take place, Transport Minister Hatta Radjasa said.
The city is home to the 7th century Borobudur Buddhist temple, considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Officials did not immediately know if it was affected in the quake.Nearby Prambanan, a spectacular Hindu temple to the southeast, suffered some damage but it
Posted by SweetLady_Tiger at 10:34:00 AM 0 comments