Friday, March 13, 2009

Egyptian Cleric - Genocide The Jews

Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Hussein Yaqoub: The Jews Are the Enemies of muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine.An Egyptian cleric bluntly states that muslims can never rest until the Jews have been genocided. Regardless of Palestine.

Which should really open peoples eyes to the fact that the manic hatred over Palestine has nothing whatsoever to do with a tiny patch of land that amounts to a fraction of 1% of arab territory.

Palestine is merely a smoke screen for Jew hatred. It may be that the world will be forced to genocide the muslims to end this insanity. Because the spite shown by all muslims everywhere over this tiny patch of land is mainstream.

Finding any mulim anywhere who doesn't foam at the mouth over the existence of Israel is rare if not unknown. Which leads us to the conslusion that this madness will never stop until islam and muslims are stopped.

Note that it's suggested one reason to genocide the Jews is that they are "infidels" The majority of the world are infidels so the implication is that muslims want to genocide every non muslim in the world.

I presume the world isn't suicidal enough to allow such a primitive, backward group to carry out this dream.