Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Disproving Islam In 3 Words

Liquid brought this video to my attention the other night. This kid is awesome!


High Power Rocketry said...
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High Power Rocketry said...

Really the best part is: you attack Islam (and likely would any other faith given the chance or desire) yet never apply the same logic to your own faith.

The joy you might take in the destruction of Islam is similar to that I have for the regular march forward of science and logic, and the resulting retreat of all religion. It is only a matter of time before what is a common idea today, Christianity, will become yet another outdated pagan myth.

I suspect you think the earth is 2,000 years old and that evolution is made up as well. Is it not strange that you only argue about science that goes against your faith and no other science? What are the odds that the few parts of science that you consider manipulation by the devil, or atheist schemes, or false for whatever reasons, are exactly the areas of science that go against the bible? I mean you do accept (without having ever been there first hand, but with similar amounts of data) that people have gone into space, don't you?

I just ask you to apply your shockingly well developed (if misguided) logic to your own faith and bible. Is it so strange to you that while you deny 99.9% of all religious faiths, I go that one step forward and do the same to Christianity as well?

We agree that Islam is false, absurd, and a big problem. The difference is you think it is the wrong way to celebrate god, and I see it as one facet of a larger problem: Ignorance, religion, and superstition.

I understand if you do not want to post this comment, and delete it. But if you do care to keep it and reply, I would love to hear what you have to say about these things.

High Power Rocketry said...

If I can add to this post:

One similar test of the "evolution issue" (and I should say natural selection to be more specific) is to simply ask what you think about biology.

Do you think that living organisms have DNA and that DNA sets for the most part the physical parameters of that organism?

Do you think that combinations of DNA result in slightly different offspring? (for example I have curly, dark hair: a combination of the curly red hair of my mother and the straight black hair of my father.)

And do you think that survival of an organism (and its unique DNA) is due in part to its ability to compete for food and mates, and function in an environemnt?

Either you say no and go against what even the most extreme creationist "scientists" propose, or you say yes and in my mind support natural selection as a logical next step. Indeed the mechanics behind natural selection are so basic that few people dispute them:

DNA is real, DNA codes for the creation of an organism, DNA combines to form a unique child from the parents, and that as a result of competition some organisms (really short people, people with down syndrome, genetically blind people) will do better than others and some will not survive.

That the beneficial genetic characteristics get amplified is a logical and obvious next step. Regardless of the mounds of evidence to support this: I submit that you can logically conclude this based on the above basic stipulated facts alone.

I finish by asking: Can you explain or imagine any way in which the above facts would not result in evolution? That is other than the blanket (and rather childish) argument of "god makes it so." Kinda like Allah says so to my mind.

SweetLady_Tiger said...


You assume much with no knowledge of what I really believe. I debate Islam, because it is precisely that, illogical. For example, Quran 86.5-7 says “86:5 So let man consider from what he is created. 86:6 He is created from a gushing fluid 86:7 That issued from between the loins and ribs.“

Now if Allah is the Creator as Muslims claim, then wouldn’t Allah know that he made sperm to come from the testes and not from approximately around the rib cage area? Yet that was put in the Koran because that was the accepted knowledge of the time as taught by Hippocrates. There are many other errors in the Quran if you take time to study it.

But what is worrisome to me is the fact that so many in Islam today think that to further their cause that they must force others to become Muslim and if they don’t then they must be killed. Sharia Law is an example of how Muslims think they must kill someone who leaves Islam. And not to mention all the Human Rights violations in Islam

And then that brings me to the Islamic Terrorists all over the world that are attacking innocent civilians and murdering them. Now I wouldn’t give a rip if Muslim’s wanted to believe that their sperm comes from their ribs or any of the other illogical things in Islam if they kept to themselves and did not commit Jihad against the rest of the world.

And no I do not believe that the world is only 2,000 years old either. According to the Bible, the world is only around 6,000 years old. But I do believe that there is fossil evidence that the earth is much older than that. I wasn’t there at the beginning of the earth so how would I know exactly how old it is?

As far as science goes, maybe there are things in the Bible that science does not support. But I will remind you that in the time of Muhammed science believed that sperm came from the ribs but as we know now it doesn’t. Science has changed as our Technology has gotten better. So while I am not saying that the Bible couldn’t have any mistakes in it, don’t write everything off because science doesn’t agree. As our Technology becomes better, we will find the answers to these questions. :)

As far as if you accept Christianity or not, that is entirely up to you and is your choice to make. At least in American you have the right to choose what religion to practice or choose to not practice one at all. Under Islam and Sharia law you would not have that choice.

You assumed that I condemn Islam because I think “it is the wrong way to celebrate god.” That is not the case at all. Just as I support your right believe what you wish in spiritual matters, do not judge me because I choose to be a Christian.

As far as the evolution goes, sorry to upset you, but I realize that everyone has a DNA code which came from the parents and even their Great Aunt Tessie. And here is another shock for you, while I believe that there was a Creator, I also believe that there had to be some evolutionary occurrences too. So, because of the fact that I can believe that both there is a Creator and he created nature to evolve that does not rob me of my faith in a God. I am a Christian, but I do not force my beliefs off onto others. You can choose what you want to believe. I have no problem with that.

Anonymous said...

You do know that saying life evolved by natural mechanics and not by the direct act of god, you are going against the teaching of the bible and are a blashpeme.

SweetLady_Tiger said...

Anon 7:05

Oh really? Can you show me where it says that in the Bible? Or are you just assuming that by saying that God created nature to evolve is blaspheming? Show me where it says that. And why are you not posting in your real ID just out of curiosity?