Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The (Ignored) Extermination of Iraqi Christians

I decided to spare you any more of my creations for a few days at least.

Christians in Iraq have suffered persecution at the hands of Muslims for centuries, but since the War in Iraq it has become worse. Here is a video I found on You Tube about just that. Also be sure to read the WND Article below this post which cites just a few of the atrocities the Muslims have committed against these gentle people just this year. Which includes the crucifixion of a 14 year old boy.


grease said...

Thanks tigrr..I never really had the time to check out this site, wow its a good one. I love the truth behind the video, or shall I say the 'hidden' truth.

Doing_what said...

Yes Tigress... Much like Christians in most Arab and Mideast countries... Some would have you believe that because they live there, they are not true Christians and are not dissimilar to Muslims because they live in a predominantly Muslim society, as if the "WEST" had some sort of monoply on Christianity. When in fact, place like Iraq and Syria where one of the first societies where Christianity was born.

Not only are they persecuted by the Muslims, they are also persecuted ridiculed and attacked for using the word "allah" in their prayers. For Arab Christians, "allah" is the word for "GOD" in their language. It DOES NOT refer to the same MISGUIDED and TWISTED interpretation that Muslims have of the one TRUE GOD, YHWH, the God of the Jews... The God of the Christians.... THE GOD OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTIMENTS !!!

Iraq and Syria were once the SEAT OF CHRISTIANITY... ARAB CHRISTIANS are just as much Christians as we are... YHWH ( God's TRUE name )... God... ALLAH... DIOS... DEUS... ADONI... MASTER... LORD...etc...etc...etc...; For Christians, they all refer to the SAME GOD !!!!

Thanks for this recent post... Hopefully some people will receive some education and enlightenment from it....

SweetLady_Tiger said...

Well Doing, personally I wish that Christians in Arab Countries would use the correct name for God, Yhwh or Jesus or Yeshua and not use Allah any longer. But I know that they were forced to use the name of Allah for God by their Muslim Oppressors. I just wish they would stop. I know that my Coptic friend hates the name of Allah and refuses to use it as the name for his God. I think it would be more honest if they used the correct name for God. But that is my opinion, which really doesn’t matter much when it comes down to the main scheme of things in the world.